When using git, overtime, your local copies of branches can grow and become burdensome to search through.  While you could manually delete 'old' branches, some of those branches may still be active eg not merged in yet.  It would be nice to have a bash script which would find merged branches older than N days and delete them.

First, list branches merged
> git branch --merged
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git

Then ensure to exclude your main branches: master, main, development
git branch --merged | grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b"
# -v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines
# -E, --extended-regexp  \b word boundaries
Then to loop over those branches, use xargs to split the prior results
for k in $(git branch --merged | grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b" | xargs -r -n 1); do 
# xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input
# -n max-args, --max-args=max-args; exit if greater
# -r, --no-run-if-empty; do not run if no results
Then for each branch, see if it has commits greater than N days ago
git log -1 --since="$days days ago" -s $k
# git log, one line, since $days days ago, for branch $k
If so, then delete the branch
git branch -d $k
Full script below, with a confirmation prompt
# delete merged local branches
# preview
# git branch --merged | grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b" | xargs -r -n 1
# list branches merged
# git branch --merged
# exclude master, main, development
# grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b"
# -v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines
# -E, --extended-regexp     \b word boundaries
# xargs -r -n 1
# -n max-args, --max-args=max-args; exit if greater
# -r, --no-run-if-empty; do not run if no results
# git log -1 --since="$days days ago" -s $k
# gti log, one line, since $days days ago, for branch $k
# delete branch
# git branch -d $k
echo "branches older than $days days:"
for k in $(git branch --merged | grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b" | xargs -r -n 1); do
  if [[ ! $(git log -1 --since="$days days ago" -s $k) ]]; then
    echo $k
    (( found++ ))
if [[ $found -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "no branches found"
    exit 0
read -s -n 1 -p "press any key to delete $found branches older than $days days . . ."
echo ""
# run
for k in $(git branch --merged | grep -v -E "\\*|\bmaster\b|\bmain\b|\bdevelopment\b" | xargs -r -n 1); do
  if [[ ! $(git log -1 --since="$days days ago" -s $k) ]]; then
    git branch -d $k

Source: GitHub Gist

-End of Document-
Thanks for reading